Hypnotherapy with Sophie

All you need to know about your treatment
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What is it?

Did you know your brain can’t tell the difference between imagined and real experiences? We can use that to your advantage to help you overcome fears, phobias and anxieties.

By putting you into hypnosis - a state of deep calm - we can reprogramme your negative subconscious beliefs to help you think in a much more positive, calmer way.

How it works

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy which uses hypnosis to guide someone into a highly relaxed state, known as a trance.

If you've ever practiced mindfulness or meditation, the experience feels extremely similar.

Once you're in this relaxed state, your subconscious is more suggestible. This means you’re more receptive to the suggestions I give you, making it easier for you to reprogramme your thinking, break your habits and achieve your desired goal.

It's important to remember you are completely in control during hypnosis. Hypnotherapy only helps you make the positive changes you desire. If you don't want to quit smoking, I can't make you do that through hypnotherapy. And there will be no clucking like a chicken!

What can it help with?

Phobias such as flying, the dentist and spiders

Habits such as hair pulling, nail biting and skin picking

Performance issues such as public speaking and tests

Health problems such as sleep issues, weight management, smoking cessation, intuitive eating and pain management

Anxiety such as anxious thoughts, social anxiety and panic

What to expect

We’ll start with a 20 minute phone call so I can understand what’s on your mind. This is also time for you to ask any questions.

First session
We'll explore the reasons you've come to see me. Then we'll start with some basic hypnosis so you can get a sense of how it feels and works. I'll also be able to better understand what will work best for you.

Everyone who sits in front of me is different, and we work together to ensure the approach and scripts for each session moves us towards your therapeutic goal. At the end of treatment, you will also receive a personalised hypnotherapy recording to listen back to.

How many sessions do I need?

There is no obligation to spend more time or money than you choose, so the length is entirely up to you. Clients usually find 6-8 weekly sessions is best suited.



20 minute consultation


50 minute session


6 x 50 minute sessions

£390 up front

Enquire now

Contact me to see if hypnotherapy is the right fit for you.

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Sophie Snelling, Dip Hyp CS.


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